+44 (0)7966 240 076 jane@flourishworkplace.co.uk

Employers Services


“Poor mental health costs UK employers between £33-£42 billion per annum. Workplace health interventions can realise a return on investment of £1.50-£9 for every £1 spent on them”. (Deloitte 2017)


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Employers Services

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Recruiting and retaining valuable skilled staff is key to success for large businesses.

New recruits currently identify with a business that demonstrates strong values. Businesses that value their staff stand out and attract the best talent.

Potential labour shortages and staff absence can impact on sales, productivity, brand reputation, customer service and your bottom line.

Identifying where valuable resources should be focused to ensure the wellbeing budget achieves its targets

Engaging the hardest to reach and those at greatest risk is difficult.

Competitors are embracing workplace health initiatives and inclusive employment to boost sales, productivity, and the bottom line to gain a competitive advantage.

Mental ill-health is the main reason that staff are absent, or leave an organisation. Knowing how to manage this effectively and prevent it is important.

Managing multigenerational workforces, including older workers who may be looking to work longer and who may have complex health conditions, can be challenging.

Businesses are often too close to their programme so may not know whether they are spending resources on the right priorities and if they are effective.

Working alongside senior decision makers, Jane Abraham has in-depth knowledge of the pressures large businesses face when it comes to recruiting the right people, managing and keeping them well and in work, and supporting business to help drive success.

As an expert in evidence based practice she identifies the right solutions for your business needs and measures key outputs against business objectives for future improvements.

Jane supports businesses to:

  • Independently analyse how well a business demonstrates it values its people.
  • Identify risks of losing staff due to ill-health or disengagement.
  • Write a bespoke wellbeing strategy based on identified priorities that are aligned to business objectives.
  • Develop solutions with KPIs, timescales and metrics for future measurement of effectiveness.
  • Audit existing workplace policies and practices to help build an inclusive and supportive culture.
  • Evaluate existing programmes to determine effectiveness and value to the organisation.
  • Help understand the business case and return on investment for workplace health solutions.
  • Help with engaging a diverse workforce and ensuring inclusive recruitment practices are in place.
  • Unbiased tailored signposting towards the best evidence-based practice and solutions to ensure success and meet the business needs.
  • Assess staff attitudes, behaviours, and their perceptions of the organisation to give senior managers greater insight.
  • Ongoing support as a ‘critical friend’ to ensure the wellbeing strategy is relevant and meets targets.
Recruiting and retaining valuable skilled staff is key to success for large businesses.

New recruits currently identify with a business that demonstrates strong values. Businesses that value their staff stand out and attract the best talent.

Potential labour shortages and staff absence can impact on sales, productivity, brand reputation, customer service and your bottom line.

Identifying where valuable resources should be focused to ensure the wellbeing budget achieves its targets

Engaging the hardest to reach and those at greatest risk is difficult.

Competitors are embracing workplace health initiatives and inclusive employment to boost sales, productivity, and the bottom line to gain a competitive advantage.

Mental ill-health is the main reason that staff are absent, or leave an organisation. Knowing how to manage this effectively and prevent it is important.

Managing multigenerational workforces, including older workers who may be looking to work longer and who may have complex health conditions, can be challenging.

Businesses are often too close to their programme so may not know whether they are spending resources on the right priorities and if they are effective.

Working alongside senior decision makers, Jane Abraham has in-depth knowledge of the pressures large businesses face when it comes to recruiting the right people, managing and keeping them well and in work, and supporting business to help drive success.

As an expert in evidence based practice she identifies the right solutions for your business needs and measures key outputs against business objectives for future improvements.

Jane supports businesses to:

• Independently analyse how well a business demonstrates it values its people.

• Identify risks of losing staff due to ill-health or disengagement.

• Write a bespoke wellbeing strategy based on identified priorities that are aligned to business objectives.

• Develop solutions with KPIs, timescales and metrics for future measurement of effectiveness.

• Audit existing workplace policies and practices to help build an inclusive and supportive culture.

• Evaluate existing programmes to determine effectiveness and value to the organisation.

• Help understand the business case and return on investment for workplace health solutions.

• Help with engaging a diverse workforce and ensuring inclusive recruitment practices are in place.

• Unbiased tailored signposting towards the best evidence-based practice and solutions to ensure success and meet the business needs.

• Assess staff attitudes, behaviours, and their perceptions of the organisation to give senior managers greater insight.

• Ongoing support as a ‘critical friend’ to ensure the wellbeing strategy is relevant and meets targets.

What Happens Next?

Contact Jane Abraham on +44 (0)7966 240076 or email jane@flourishworkplace.co.uk to arrange a meeting to discuss needs and scope out bespoke project that fits in with business objectives.


Are the solutions tailored to our needs?

We don’t provide off-the-shelf solutions. Each wellbeing strategy is bespoke to fit in with the business’ unique objectives and needs.

Are you truly independent?
Yes, we signpost you towards the best resources on the market to address your particular business needs, whether they are free or have a cost. We do not work with any provider of services directly to ensure that we provide you with the most appropriate solution to help you.
Does your organisation provide any of the workshops and events?
We don’t provide delivery of services, however, with our experience we are able to signpost businesses to the best and appropriate resources and support to meet their needs.
What else don’t you do?
We don’t work directly with SMEs. Jane supports this sector through her work with business agencies, Local Authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships.

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