Local Authorities & Local Strategic Partners
Harnessing the skills, talents and contribution of every person should be at the heart of a successful economic plan (UK Govt 2017).
Local Authorities & Local Strategic Partners
Build healthier local economies, helping get people into work, supporting older workers and translate national policy into local action.
With an ageing demographic and older working population there is increasing pressure on under-resourced services including Local Authorities, NHS and LEPs.
Health inequalities, the number of people of working age out of work due to health conditions and mental health issues, and keeping people in work, are all impacting on individuals, communities, and the economic prosperity of local areas.
There is increasing pressure to help more people get into work and help those furthest from the labour market to access the right work.
While the need to translate national policy into local action creates challenges, funding cuts and devolution are all adding further pressure into the system.
Overcoming these barriers ensures everyone has the opportunity to work and thrive.
- Working alongside Local Authorities, health, and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), Jane Abraham has in-depth knowledge of the pressures of tackling health inequalities associated with work and worklessness, driving economic growth and translating national policy into local action.
- She links employment, health and business services to create good work opportunities for all in the community.
- Jane supports Local Authorities and partners to work with multiple agencies and key stakeholders to identify issues and solutions.
- Create analysis reports focusing on key issues and recommendations.
- Engage with the business community, in particular SMEs.
- Facilitate joint initiatives between health, employment and business community.
- Translate national policy for local implementation.
With an ageing demographic and older working population there is increasing pressure on under-resourced services including Local Authorities, NHS and LEPs.
Health inequalities, the number of people of working age out of work due to health conditions and mental health issues, and keeping people in work, are all impacting on individuals, communities, and the economic prosperity of local areas.
There is increasing pressure to help more people get into work and help those furthest from the labour market to access the right work.
While the need to translate national policy into local action creates challenges, funding cuts and devolution are all adding further pressure into the system.
Overcoming these barriers ensures everyone has the opportunity to work and thrive.
• She links employment, health and business services to create good work opportunities for all in the community.
• Jane supports Local Authorities and partners to work with multiple agencies and key stakeholders to identify issues and solutions.
• Create analysis reports focusing on key issues and recommendations.
• Engage with the business community, in particular SMEs.
• Facilitate joint initiatives between health, employment and business community.
• Translate national policy for local implementation.
What Happens Next?
Contact Jane Abraham on +44 (0)7966 240076 or email jane@flourishworkplace.co.uk to arrange a meeting to discuss challenges and the process for achieving success.
Are you able to help us work with the business community?
Yes, Jane has wide experience of supporting the business community. As well as working with large businesses, Jane also works with business agencies to engage and support SMEs.